6 research outputs found

    Multi-level Policy-aware Privacy Analysis

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    Projekt NAPLES (Novel Tools for Analysing Privacy Leakages – Privaatslekete Analüüsi Uudsed Vahendid) on Tartu Ülikooli ja Cybernetica AS-i ühine teadusprojekt, mida rahastab Kaitsealase Täiustatud Uurimisprojektide Agentuuri (DARPA) Brandeisi programm.NAPLES-i raames on välja töötatud teooria ja erinevaid tööriistu, et tuvastada ning kirjeldada infosüsteemide andmelekkeid. PLEAK on tööriist, mille sisendiks on äriprotsessimudeli ja -notatsiooni (BPMN) abil kirja pandud äriprotsess. Lisaks standardsele notatsioonile on mudelile lisatud arvutuslikke detaile ning infot privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiate kohta, mis võimaldavad erinevatel tasemetel privaatsuslekete analüüse. NAPLES-i projekti käigus on loodud mitu erinevat analüüsitööriista. Peamiselt keskenduvad analüsaatorid niinimetatud "SQL koostöövoole" - BPMN-i koostöö mudelile, mille tegevused ning andmeobjektid on kirjeldatud vastavalt SQL päringute ning tabeli skeemidega. Binaarne avalikustamise analüüs annab privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiate põhjal kõrgtasemelise ülevaate selle kohta, kellele on mingid andmed kättesaadavad. Teised analüüsivahendid nagu Leaks-When (Millal lekib) ja Guessing Advantage (äraarvamise edukus) lisavad detailsemad kvalitatiivseid ning kvantitatiivseid meetmeid lekete paremaks mõistmiseks.Minu töö oli NAPLE projekti osa ning minu panused olid mitmesugused.Esiteks ma lisasin globaalse ja lokaalse privaatsuspoliitika ideed SQL koostöövoogudessse. Privaatsuspoliitika tagab äriprotsessis osalejale ligipääsuõiguse mingile osale SQL skeemiga kirjeldatud andmetest. Teiseks ma kavandasin ning integreerisin mitmekihilise lekkanalüüsi alates binaarsest avalikustamise analüüsist (millised andmed on nähtaval) kuni tingimusliku avalikustamise (mis tingimustel leke toimub) ja kvantitatiivse meetmeni (kui palju andmete kohta lekib). Mitmekihiline analüüs põhineb PLEAK-i analüsaatoritel, kuid neid oli vaja täiendada, et nad toetaksid ühtseid sisendeid ning et Leaks-When ja Guessing Advantage tööriistad põhineksid privaatsuspoliitikatel. Lisaks arendasin juhtumiuuringu, et demonstreerida integreeritud mitmetasandilist privaatsusanalüüsi ning PLEAK-i tööriistu.The NAPLES (Novel Tools for Analysing Privacy Leakages) project is a research initiative conducted as a collaboration between Cybernetica AS and the University of Tartu, with funds of the Brandeis program of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The research project has produced the theory and a set of tools for the analysis of privacy-related concerns, to determine the potential leakage of the data from the information systems. Specifically, PLEAK is a tool that takes as input business processes specified with the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), where modelentities are associated with privacy-enhancing technologies, in order to enable the analysis of privacy concerns at different levels of granularity. With the time, the NAPLES project has produced several analyzers. Such analyzers target SQLcollaborative workflows, that is, BPMN collaborative models that specify the steps of computation that correspond to SQL manipulation statements over the data objects representing the SQL data sources. The simple disclosure analysis performs a high-level data reachability analysis that reveals potentialdata leakages in the privacy-enhanced model of a business process: it tells whether a data object is visible to a given party. Other analyzers, such as the Leaks-When and the Guessing Advantage ones, provide finer-grained, qualitative and quantitative measures of data leakage to stakeholders.My work was part of the NAPLES project and my contributions are manifold. First, I added the concept of Global and Local privacy policies in the SQL collaborative workflows, which endow a party of the business process with access rights to the selected SQL entities with defined constraints. Second,I designed an integrated multi-level approach to the disclosure analysis: from the high-level declarative disclosure (What data might leak?) to the conditional disclosure (When does data leak?) and quantitative measure (How much does data leak?). This approach is based on existing tools of PLEAK for privacyanalysis. However, I refined these tools to accept more unified set of inputs and integrated the privacy policies with the Leaks-When and Guessing Advantage analyzers. Finally, I developed a case study, which has been used for showcasing the aforementioned integrated multi-level approach to the disclosure analysis, and that has been used as a proof-of-concept for NAPLES tools

    Discovering Business Process Simulation Models in the Presence of Multitasking

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    Business process simulation is a versatile technique for analyzing business processes from a quantitative perspective. A well-known limitation of process simulation is that the accuracy of the simulation results is limited by the faithfulness of the process model and simulation parameters given as input to the simulator. To tackle this limitation, several authors have proposed to discover simulation models from process execution logs so that the resulting simulation models more closely match reality. Existing techniques in this field assume that each resource in the process performs one task at a time. In reality, however, resources may engage in multitasking behavior. Traditional simulation approaches do not handle multitasking. Instead, they rely on a resource allocation approach wherein a task instance is only assigned to a resource when the resource is free. This inability to handle multitasking leads to an overestimation of execution times. This paper proposes an approach to discover multitasking in business process execution logs and to generate a simulation model that takes into account the discovered multitasking behavior. The key idea is to adjust the processing times of tasks in such a way that executing the multitasked tasks sequentially with the adjusted times is equivalent to executing them concurrently with the original processing times. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-life dataset and synthetic datasets with different levels of multitasking. The results show that, in the presence of multitasking, the approach improves the accuracy of simulation models discovered from execution logs.European Research Council PIX 834141Junta de Andalucía P12--TIC--1867Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades OPHELIA RTI2018-101204-B-C2

    Discovering Business Process Simulation Models in the Presence of Multitasking

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    Business process simulation is a versatile technique for analyzing business processes from a quantitative perspective. A well-known limitation of process simulation is that the accuracy of the simulation results is limited by the faithfulness of the process model and simulation parameters given as input to the simulator. To tackle this limitation, several authors have proposed to discover simulation models from process execution logs so that the resulting simulation models more closely match reality. Existing techniques in this field assume that each resource in the process performs one task at a time. In reality, however, resources may engage in multitasking behavior. Traditional simulation approaches do not handle multitasking. Instead, they rely on a resource allocation approach wherein a task instance is only assigned to a resource when the resource is free. This inability to handle multitasking leads to an overestimation of execution times. This paper proposes an approach to discover multitasking in business process execution logs and to generate a simulation model that takes into account the discovered multitasking behavior. The key idea is to adjust the processing times of tasks in such a way that executing the multitasked tasks sequentially with the adjusted times is equivalent to executing them concurrently with the original processing times. The proposed approach is evaluated using a real-life dataset and synthetic datasets with different levels of multitasking. The results show that, in the presence of multitasking, the approach improves the accuracy of simulation models discovered from execution logs.Comment: Accepted at The 14th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2020). 17 pages, 4 figure

    Silhouetting the Cost-Time Front: Multi-objective Resource Optimization in Business Processes.

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    AbstractThe allocation of resources in a business process determines the trade-off between cycle time and resource cost. A higher resource utilization leads to lower cost and higher cycle time, while a lower resource utilization leads to higher cost and lower waiting time. In this setting, this paper presents a multi-objective optimization approach to compute a set of Pareto-optimal resource allocations for a given process concerning cost and cycle time. The approach heuristically searches through the space of possible resource allocations using a simulation model to evaluate each allocation. Given the high number of possible allocations, it is imperative to prune the search space. Accordingly, the approach incorporates a method that selectively perturbs a resource utilization to derive new candidates that are likely to Pareto-dominate the already explored ones. The perturbation method relies on two indicators: resource utilization and resource impact, the latter being the contribution of a resource to the cost or cycle time of the process. Additionally, the approach incorporates a ranking method to accelerate convergence by guiding the search towards the resource allocations closer to the current Pareto front. The perturbation and ranking methods are embedded into two search meta-heuristics, namely hill-climbing and tabu-search. Experiments show that the proposed approach explores fewer resource allocations to compute Pareto fronts comparable to those produced by a well-known genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization, namely NSGA-II

    Discovering business process simulation models in the presence of multitasking and availability constraints

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    Business process simulation is a versatile technique for quantitative analysis of business processes. A well-known limitation of process simulation is that the accuracy of the simulation results is limited by the faithfulness of the process model and simulation parameters given as input to the simulator. To tackle this limitation, various authors have proposed to discover simulation models from process execution logs, so that the resulting simulation models more closely match reality. However, existing techniques in this field make certain assumptions about resource behavior that do not typically hold in practice, including: (i) that each resource performs one task at a time; and (ii) that resources are continuously available (24/7). In reality, resources may engage in multitasking behavior and they work only during certain periods of the day or the week. This article proposes an approach to discover process simulation models from execution logs in the presence of multitasking and availability constraints. To account for multitasking, we adjust the processing times of tasks in such a way that executing the multitasked tasks sequentially with the adjusted times is equivalent to executing them concurrently with the original times. Meanwhile, to account for availability constraints, we use an algorithm for discovering calendar expressions from collections of time-points to infer resource timetables from an execution log. We then adjust the parameters of this algorithm to maximize the similarity between the simulated log and the original one. We evaluate the approach using real-life and synthetic datasets. The results show that the approach improves the accuracy of simulation models discovered from execution logs both in the presence of multitasking and availability constraintsEuropean Research Council PIX 834141Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades OPHELIA RTI2018-101204-B-C22Junta de Andalucía EKIPMENTPLUS (P18–FR–2895